Thursday 3 March 2011


Apart from early this morning this is the first day in a while I didn't have to rush to be somewhere, or have to be at the restaurant... This morning we turned up for music class only to find out the class was still closed for half term - How long are school holidays?? So we headed to the park to kill some time before heading to babygroup where I had arranged to meet a friend.
She had seen some of my cards and had asked me to bring them with me so she could have a good look. Soooo excited as she bought some - MY FIRST SALE!! After that we headed to the FNAC and I picked up little man some new books... Then home to the deluge... mess everywhere! So spent a manic half hour tidying round and trying to get lunch ready at the same time. Leandro went down for his nap super easily today so I managed to get straight on with my never ending to do list... sent menus to clients, printed menus for the chefs, sent a couple of e-mails, started all the end of month papers and as I had received the address of my swap partner for the Postcard swap I sorted out my package too.
This afternoon was pretty chilled... a trip to the toy store to pick up a birthday present for a party we are going to this Saturday and a couple of treats for the little man. A quick stop by the supermarket and little man is bathed and now tucking into pizza...
Tonight I want to try and sort out a facebook page and update my misi shop!

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