Wednesday 23 February 2011

My Resolutions for 2011

My 2011 started with ALOT of positivity and resolution making :

1. Drink more HOT tea...
2. Carry out more acts of random kindness
3. When things get a bit much KEEP CALM
4. Listen to more music
5. Stop and smell the roses more
6. Do more excersise, that doesn't envolve running after a toddler
7. Use my creativity
8. Let go of things that are out of my control
9. Read more books
10. Learn some new skills
11. Be more silly
12. Know that a difference of opinion is OK
13. Potty train my son
14. Be braver
15. Be silly more
16. Donate to the NSPCC Full Stop Campaign
17. Be me....

One of the resolutions I most want to keep is no. 7...!

Here's hoping I do well with all of them.

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