Wednesday 6 April 2011


I have spent the last 10 days making, making, making and I now have a very large stock of cards... So today I decided to be brave - See resolution no. 14 and I plucked up the courage to go to my local florist and see if they would like to perhaps sell some to cusotmers wanting to send a message with their bunch of flowers... I'm so happy he said yes! So I'm going to put together a little collection together for them and will see how they sell over the next few weeks! As I was feeling brave I then went to a shop on the main shopping street that sells jewellery, bags and other interesting accessories, she said "yes", but was more interested in the smaller formats so I will put toegher a collection of the 'business card' size for them! I'm really happy and excited to have some direction to work towards! Lets just hope people buy them!! Now have to be even braver and try some of the other florists...
Feeling positive tonight and really thankful to the people giving me a chance!

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